Trauma Focused Counselling
Trauma is when we experience a very stressful, frightening or distressing event. There are many examples of traumatic events, which include (but not limited to)
Sexual or physical violence
Emotional abuse
Witnessing domestic abuse
These situations can make us fear for our safety, and change the way our brains process information. These events can happen once or over a long period of time. Some of the effects of trauma are listed below:
Feelings of shame & self-blame
Loss of safety, sense of own boundaries & trust
Dissociation and loss of physical connection to the body
Low self-worth and sense of self
Panic attacks
Sleep problems
Self harm or self neglect
Suicidal feelings
Alcohol and substance misuse
It is important to remember that trauma affects people in different ways.
Please get in touch if you think you would benefit from having trauma focused therapy.
Trawma yw pan fyddwn yn profi digwyddiad dirdynnol, brawychus neu gofidus iawn. Mae llawer o enghreifftiau o ddigwyddiadau trawmatig, sy’n cynnwys (ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i)
Trais rhywiol neu gorfforol
Cam-drin emosiynol
Bod yn dyst i gam-drin domestig
Gall y sefyllfaoedd hyn beri inni ofni am ein diogelwch, a newid y ffordd y mae ein hymennydd yn prosesu gwybodaeth. Gall y digwyddiadau hyn ddigwydd unwaith neu dros gyfnod hir o amser. Rhestrir rhai o effeithiau trawma isod:
Teimladau o gywilydd a hunan-fai
Colli’r teimlad o ddiogelwch, ymdeimlad o ffiniau bersonol ac ymddiriedaeth
Daduniad a cholli cysylltiad corfforol a'ch corff
Hunanwerth isel
Pyliau o banig
Problemau cysgu
Hunan-niwed neu hunan-esgeuluso
Teimladau hunanladdol
Camddefnyddio alcohol a sylweddau
Mae’n bwysig cofio bod trawma yn effeithio ar bobl mewn gwahanol ffyrdd.
Cysylltwch â mi os ydych chi'n meddwl y byddech chi'n elwa o gael therapi trawma.