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How I Work / Sut Rwy'n Gweithio

I am a person centred therapist, which means my therapy is non-directive and client led. I like to think of it as though you, the client, are holding a map, with me, the counsellor, standing next to you. You are deciding which path we are taking and I am walking along with you on your journey. I am not an expert in your experiences so cannot tell you what to do. I will work with you so that you find the best way to help yourself.

I have particular experience of working safely with trauma and through this work I have worked a lot with young adults. I also have experience of working with bereavement with a wide range of ages. 

Introductory session

Before working with any client, I offer a free introductory session. This is a chance for us to get to know each other a little bit before deciding to work together. It gives you as the client the opportunity to ask any questions and to tell me a little about why you want counselling and your expectations of it. In response, it gives me the opportunity to see whether I can meet your needs and whether I can work with you safely. If I do not think I am the right counsellor to meet those needs, I will refer you to an organisation or individual who can. This session will take no longer than 30 minutes and is free of charge.

Cost, delivery method & frequency 

£40 per 50 minute session.

I provide counselling online, over the phone, and in person. In-person therapy is conducted from a convenient therapy room located in the centre of Carmarthen town. I am happy to deliver counselling through a combination of methods if this is preferable. I can offer weekly, fortnightly or monthly appointments, depending on your needs. 

Please get in touch if you would like a free introductory session.

Rwy'n therapydd sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, sy'n golygu bod fy therapi yn anghyfarwyddiadol ac yn cael ei arwain gan y cleient. Rwy'n hoffi meddwl amdano fel petaech chi, y cleient, yn dal map, gyda mi, y therapydd, yn sefyll wrth eich ymyl. Rydych chi'n penderfynu pa lwybr rydyn ni'n ei gymryd ac rydw i'n cerdded gyda chi ar eich taith. Nid wyf yn arbenigwr ar eich profiadau felly ni allaf ddweud wrthych beth i'w wneud. Byddaf yn gweithio gyda chi fel eich bod yn dod o hyd i'r ffordd orau i helpu'ch hun.

Mae gen i brofiad o weithio’n ddiogel gyda thrawma a thrwy'r gwaith hwn rwyf wedi gweithio llawer gydag oedolion ifanc. Mae gen i hefyd brofiad o weithio gyda phrofedigaeth gydag ystod eang o oedrannau.

Sesiwn cyflwynedig

Cyn gweithio gydag unrhyw gleient, rwy'n cynnig sesiwn cyflwynedig am ddim. Dyma gyfle i ni ddod i adnabod ein gilydd ychydig cyn penderfynu cydweithio. Mae'n rhoi'r cyfle i chi fel y cleient i ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau ac i ddweud ychydig wrthyf pam rydych eisiau cwnsela a'ch disgwyliadau ohono. Mewn ymateb, mae'n rhoi cyfle i mi weld os allai cwrdd a’ch anghenion ac os allai weithio gyda chi'n ddiogel. Os na chredaf mai fi yw’r cwnselwr iawn i chi, byddai’n eich cyfeirio at sefydliad neu unigolyn a all wneud hynny. Ni fydd y sesiwn hon yn cymryd mwy na 30 munud ac mae'n rhad ac am ddim.

Cost, dull ac amlder y sesiynau

£40 am bob sesiwn 50 munud.

Rwy'n darparu cwnsela ar-lein, dros y ffôn, ac mewn berson. Cynhelir therapi mewn berson o ystafell therapi gyfleus yng nghanol tref Caerfyrddin. Rwy’n hapus i ddarparu cwnsela drwy gyfuniad o ddulliau os yw hyn yn well gennych. Gallaf gynnig apwyntiadau wythnosol, pythefnosol neu fisol, yn dibynnu ar eich anghenion.

Cysylltwch os ydych am gael sesiwn cyflwynedig di-dal. 

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